1. KRF
Mr. Spyridon Mastoras / Spiridon MastorasPočasni konzul Republike Srbije/ Honorary Consul of the Republic of Serbia
Adresa: Moustoxidi 19, 49 100 Corfu, Hellenic Republic, PO Box 286
Telefon: (+ 30) 266 102 6724
Faks: (+ 30) 266 108 1335
Elektronska adresa:
smastoras@yahoo.com2. KEFALONIJA
Mr. Victor Rouchotas / Viktor RuhotasPočasni konzul Republike Srbije/ Honorary consul of the Republic of Serbia
Adresa: Ioanny Metaxa 54, 28 100 Argostoli, Kefalonia, Hellenic Republic
Telefon: (+30) 267 102 3941; (+30) 267 1024 936
Elektronska adresa:
vruhotas@yahoo.gr3. VOLOS
Mr. Symeon Tsomokos / Simeon ComokosPočasni konzul Republike Srbije/Honorary Consul of the Republic of Serbia
Adresa: Volos Palace Hotel, Xenofontos Str. Kilt Thrakon, 38 333 Volos, Hellenic Republic
Telefon: (+30) 210 728 9000
Faks: (+30) 210 729 5978
Elektronska adresa: