Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service
Buenos Aires: “A Requiem for Mrs. J” which won a festival award presented to the Ambassador of Serbia PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, 07 November 2017.
Buenos-AiresBojan Vuletic, a Serbian director and screenwriter won an award for his film "A Requiem for Mrs. J", chosen as the best film from Eastern and Central Europe at "Al Este del Plata" festival in Peru and Argentina. The festival was sponsored by "Soda Pictures" from Peru and "Kinoglas" from Argentina with the support of the embassies of Germany, Slovenia, Georgia, Czech Republic, Romania and our country.
Moscow: “Concept” magazine presented at the Serbian Embassy PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 06 November 2017.
Moskva koncept_06112017The review of the "Concept" magazine of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, held at the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia, on 25 October 2017, was attended by professors and students, including Serbian pupils.
Madrid: Miroslav’s Gospel exhibited PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 06 November 2017.
Madrid 06112017Изложба факсимила Мирослављевог јеванђеља, српског рукописа из 12. века, отворена је 6. новембра у библиотеци Универзитета „Комплутенсe", уз помоћ Амбасаде Србије. Амбасадор Данко Прокић, говорио је, на отварању, о значају књиге за српску културу и историју, док је декан Филолошког факултета Еугенио Лујан исказао задовољсто што ће овај историјски спис бити две недеље изложен и доступан студентима.
Banjaluka: Unveiling of the bust of Vuk Karadzic PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 06 November 2017.
bista banja_luka_06112017_03A bust of Vuk Stefanovic Karadzic, authored by Sara Nikolic and gifted to the University of Banja Luka by M:tel (Telekom), at the proposal of the Consulate-General, was officially unveiled on 6 November, on the occasion of marking the 230th anniversary of the birth of Vuk Stefanovic Karadzic, the reformer and creator of the modern Serbian language and literature.
Timișoara: Serbian Cultural Days PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, 01 November 2017.
Tinisoara 01112017Screening of the movie "Santa Maria della Salute" inaugurated, for the twelfth time round, an event called "Serbian Cultural Days in Timișoara", organized by the Association of Serbs in Romania, in cooperation with the Consulate-General of Serbia in Timișoara, and under the patronage of the Ministry of Culture of Romania and the Ministry of Culture and Information of Serbia, on 1 November 2017. The event's programme envisages holding of various cultural activities, demonstrating the creativity of the Serbian national minority in Romania and contributing to the preservation of national identity.
Oslo: Serbian Ambassador wins world peace run PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 19 October 2017.
Suzana Boskovic ProdanovicSerbian Ambassador to Norway Suzana Boskovic-Prodanovic won the women Ambassador's peace run held within the Oslo Marathon, when a 10-km track took her 1 hour and 9 minutes. The 16,000 competitors at the Oslo Marathon, held on 15 September, included also representatives of the diplomatic corps accredited in Oslo. The team called Ambassadors for Peace was put together by the non-governmental organization International Forum Oslo, with the support of Norway's Foreign Ministry.
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