Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Tuesday, 07 November 2017. PDF Print E-mail
Buenos Aires: “A Requiem for Mrs. J” which won a festival award presented to the Ambassador of Serbia
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Buenos-AiresBojan Vuletic, a Serbian director and screenwriter won an award for his film "A Requiem for Mrs. J", chosen as the best film from Eastern and Central Europe at "Al Este del Plata" festival in Peru and Argentina. The festival was sponsored by "Soda Pictures" from Peru and "Kinoglas" from Argentina with the support of the embassies of Germany, Slovenia, Georgia, Czech Republic, Romania and our country.

The award in the form of a diploma was handed by Pablo de Vita, head of the jury for European films to Serbian Ambassador Mrs. Jela Bacovic. Pablo de Vita stated that next year a representative of Serbia would be invited to sit on the jury of the fifth festival "Al Este del Plata". He praised the Serbian film for its artistic and social relevance, depicting in a bitter-sweet manner the problems faced by a generation caught-up in the process of transition.