Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Monday, 06 November 2017. PDF Print E-mail
Banjaluka: Unveiling of the bust of Vuk Karadzic
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bista banja_luka_06112017_03A bust of Vuk Stefanovic Karadzic, authored by Sara Nikolic and gifted to the University of Banja Luka by M:tel (Telekom), at the proposal of the Consulate-General, was officially unveiled on 6 November, on the occasion of marking the 230th anniversary of the birth of Vuk Stefanovic Karadzic, the reformer and creator of the modern Serbian language and literature.

Consul-General Vladimir Nikolic said that the erection of a bust honouring Vuk Karadzic in Banja Luka reaffirmed the commitment of Serbia to the Republic of Srpska.

"The bust of Vuk has been placed here, inter alia, to inspire and encourage, to imbue us with the sense of daringness. For, if Vuk was able to act in the way he did, with no salary, no scholarship and no funds, with no "project funding", in the popular modern-day jargon, with no car and the Internet, physically challenged and with a prosthetic wooden peg-leg, and with the care for thirteen children – if he was able to walk into the world and secure his place in eternity, with or without all the aforementioned circumstances, this obliges us to follow suit, and the least we can do is not to forget", Consul Nikolic pointed out.

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Addressing the guests present at the ceremony, Chancellor of the University of Banja Luka Milan Mataruga said that Vuk's legacy to the Serbian people could only be characterized as perfection in its uniqueness and stated that we should protect our language and tradition, in the same way we preserved our hearth and family.

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General Director of M:tel Marko Lopicic pointed out that the company gifted the bust owing to the connection existing between M:tel and Vuk: "communication would be non-existent without a clear and rich language".