Ministry of Foreign Affairs Statements Archive Statements Archive 2017.
Saturday, 11 February 2017. PDF Print E-mail
Minister Lavrov sends a message of congratulations to Minister Dacic on the occasion of Statehood Day
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dacic lavrov1First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Ivica Dacic received a message of congratulations from Mr. Sergey Lavrov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, on the occasion of Statehood Day of the Republic of Serbia.

"We highly value the dynamics of Russia-Serbia cooperation achieved in the spirit of strategic partnership. We are convinced that the maximum promotion of the entire complex of bilateral ties in the political, trade-economic and cultural fields fully complies with the fundamental interests and efforts of the peoples of Russia and Serbia.

We emphasise in particular the active dialogue concerning topical issues on the international agenda, and our successful cooperation in the framework of the Chairmanship of the Organisation of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC), held until recently by Belgrade.

I wish you good health, personal well-being and further success in the discharge of your responsible duties", reads the congratulatory message by the Head of Russian diplomacy.