Ministry of Foreign Affairs Statements Archive Statements Archive 2016.
Wednesday, 12 October 2016. PDF Print E-mail
“Germany attaches particular importance to Serbia when it comes to the Western Balkans”, underlined Thomas Bagger
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Meeting of Minister Dacic with Thomas BaggerFirst Deputy Prime Minister and Minster of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Ivica Dacic received today Thomas Bagger, Head of Policy Planning at the German Federal Foreign Office.

Minister Dacic assessed the bilateral relations as good and highlighted Serbia's readiness to develop and promote its overall cooperation with Germany. He underlined in particular that membership of the EU remained a strategic goal of the Serbian Government, as well as contributing to stability and strengthening good-neighbourly relations in the region. The Minister said that Serbia was strongly committed to the settlement of all open issues through dialogue, adding that Germany could always rely on Serbia as a constructive factor.

Mr. Bagger said that Germany attached particular importance to Serbia when it comes to the Western Balkans, adding that it appreciated the efforts invested by Serbia in the strengthening of trust and promotion of relations and cooperation in the region.