Ministry of Foreign Affairs Statements Archive Statements Archive 2016.
Thursday, 08 September 2016. PDF Print E-mail
Minister Dacic, Ambassador of Egypt discuss promotion of bilateral relations between the two countries
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dacic amb_egipta_8920164First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Ivica Dacic received today Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt in Belgrade Ezzeldin Fahmy.

The officials discussed ways and means of improving bilateral cooperation between the two countries in all areas of mutual interest, particularly with regard to the current topical issues related to multilateral diplomacy and the two countries' cooperation in the framework of the United Nations and the specialized agencies of the UN system.

It was noted that the quality of the political dialogue between the two countries' top officials was on the upswing, as well as that the economy, defence, culture and tourism were areas that offered great opportunities for further promotion of cooperation. In this context, the Ambassador of Egypt pointed out that a simpler procedure for obtaining a Serbian visa would also facilitate Egyptian investments finding their way to Serbia.

Minister Dacic, on this occasion as well, extended an invitation to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Egypt Sameh Shoukry to visit Belgrade.

Recalling the traditional friendship between the two peoples dating back to the period when the Non-Aligned Movement was founded, Minister Dacic pointed out to the Egyptian Ambassador that Serbia, as a successor to the SFRY, had also inherited the then relationship with Egypt, deeming it equally relevant today, which is why the present-day Egypt may consider Serbia a true and consistent friend in our region.