Ministry of Foreign Affairs Statements Archive Statements Archive 2016.
Monday, 22 August 2016. PDF Print E-mail
Minister Dacic in talks with Head of UNMIK Zahir Tanin
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dacic-tanin avgustFirst Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Ivica Dacic met today with Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of UNMIK Zahir Tanin, in the context of preparations for the session of the UN Security Council to be held on 25 August 2016 in New York, where the quarterly report on the work of the UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo and Metohija (UNMIK) will be discussed.

At today's meeting, the officials jointly underlined that the cooperation between the Republic of Serbia and the UN Mission in Kosovo and Metohija had been good.

In the talks, the interlocutors assessed the current situation in Kosovo and Metohija, UNMIK activities, and emphasised the importance of the further engagement of this mission in the areas crucial for the resilience and a normal and dignified life of Serbs and members of other non-Albanian communities in the Province.

The two sides particularly highlighted the importance of the Mission in the context of implementation of agreements reached within the dialogue in Brussels, as well as of the engagement of UNMIK on all issues relevant for the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1244 (1999). In addition, they underlined the importance of not downsizing UNMIK's presence in Kosovo and Metohija, having in mind the trust bestowed on this Mission by the Serbian and other non-Albanian population.