Ministry of Foreign Affairs Statements Archive Statements Archive 2016.
Thursday, 25 August 2016. PDF Print E-mail
Dacic: “The differences of views between the Republic of Serbia and Pristina still great”
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Optimized-sednica sb_un_25820162First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Ivica Dacic participated today in the meeting of the United Nation's Security Council devoted to UNMIK's work.

After the meeting, the Serbian Foreign Minister stated that the great differences of views between the Serbian and Pristina delegations were still there at today's UN Security Council meeting, held every three months under Resolution 1244.

"We insisted on a consistent interpretation of SCR 1244, we also insisted that the Brussels dialogue could be held only if it had a neutral status, unlike Pristina which always regards these sessions as an opportunity to make fabrications and present views that Kosovo is a full sovereign state. By doing so, it violates Resolution 1244, and this is also reflected at each Council meeting in the calls of some countries inviting other countries to join in the recognition of the unilaterally proclaimed independence of Kosovo.

At the very beginning, I said I expected Pristina to continue with its propaganda slogans and lies this time again. I posed in advance a few questions, clearly showing that the data and assertions presented by them were false and fabricated. They constantly talk about genocide and ethnic cleansing of Albanians. When you look at the numbers and statistics, which is damning, you realize that it was actually Serbs who were ethnically cleansed.

There are virtually no Serbs in the biggest cities of Kosovo and Metohija. In 1981, there were more than 40,000 Serbs in Pristina, and there are only a few hundred left today. In other cities, Urosevac, Podujevo, Gnjilane, Prizren, they are even fewer in numbers.

We pointed out that we wanted a constructive dialogue, but for that dialogue to happen all sides must first implement what was agreed in Brussels.

The Kosovo side does not implement what was agreed in Brussels, even US Vice President Biden said in Pristina that Kosovo Albanians must work on forming the Community of Serbia Municipalities, and we have also insisted on it.

It is interesting that many countries want these meetings of the UN Security Council to take place less frequently. This is motivated by the desire to take this issue off the UN agenda. That is why we maintain a high level of our representatives who speak at these meetings, and we insist that these meetings be held quarterly, because it shows that the United Nations is still an important factor as far as the situation in Kosovo and Metohija is concerned," said Minister Dacic.