Ministry of Foreign Affairs Statements Archive Statements Archive 2015.
Tuesday, 04 August 2015. PDF Print E-mail
Minister Dacic confers with President of Iran Rouhani
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dacic-rohaniOn the second day of their visit to the Islamic Republic of Iran, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani received the delegation of the Republic of Serbia. Extending his welcome, President Rouhani voiced hope that the visit of Foreign Affairs Minister Dacic would give a new, fresh impetus to the development and promotion of relations between the two friendly countries.

The Iranian President conveyed readiness for intensifying economic relations and increasing the trade between the countries. In the talks, also recognized were other areas with a potential for promoting bilateral cooperation, namely the energy sector, agriculture, cultural cooperation, university cooperation, and cooperation between research centers.

Minister Dacic emphasized his deep respect for the tradition and culture of this country Serbia considered friendly. He expressed his thanks for the principled position in not granting recognition to Kosovo and Metohija’s unilaterally declared independence.

Iran’s President reflected upon the agreement reached on the nuclear programme, adding that this was proof that even the most complex problems could be solved through negotiations.

The Head of Serbian Diplomacy today also met with Minister of Industry, Mining and Trade Mohammad Reza Nematzadeh. The need was recognized in the talks to intensify the economic relations through joint efforts to match the good political relations. They welcomed the reactivation of the Joint Committee, which is expected to convene by the end of the year, as well as the forthcoming visit of Iran’s trade delegation to Serbia.

In the talks with Foreign Policy Adviser to the Supreme Leader Velayati, they reminisced about the past times and the Non-Aligned Movement, and exchanged opinions on key international developments. It was agreed to promote all-round cooperation.