Ministry of Foreign Affairs Statements Archive Statements Archive 2015.
Saturday, 04 July 2015. PDF Print E-mail
MFA announcement on the state of emergency declared in Tunisia
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msp zgradaA state of emergency was declared today, 4 July 2015, in Tunisia, as a result of the recent terrorist attack which took place on 26 June 2015 in the resort city of Sousse.

The Tunisian authorities have not so far imposed restrictions on movement in the area of main tourist destinations, but have recommended measures of heightened precaution. It is necessary to keep abreast of the official announcements issued by the Tunisian Government. The Serbian nationals who are currently staying in Tunisia should comply with the instructions issued by the Tunisian security authorities.

It is required to avoid travelling to mountainous areas in the vicinity of the Algerian border, due to the possibility of armed conflicts. It is advisable to be highly cautious outside the main transport arteries, due to the increased presence of the armed forces and police officers.

It is ill‐advised to go on organized tourist day trips to southern Tunisia and to the desert areas. One is equally advised against undertaking tourist day trips in the evening, for security reasons.