Ministry of Foreign Affairs Statements Archive Statements Archive 2015.
Friday, 03 July 2015. PDF Print E-mail
Minister Dacic meets new German Ambassador to Serbia
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dacic dittmanFirst Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Ivica Dacic received today the newly‐appointed Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Belgrade, Mr. Axel Dittmann.

It was jointly noted in the talks that the relations between Serbia and Germany were good, that they were characterized by all‐round cooperation, high‐level dialogue and a continuously improving trend.

It was assessed that the political dialogue was particularly enhanced over the past twelve months and that it had been marked with visits and regular meetings of high‐ranking Serbian and German officials, reaffirmed by the upcoming visit of Chancellor Angela Merkel to Serbia.

Minister Dacic stressed that the Republic of Serbia attached great attention to the advancement of economic cooperation with the Federal Republic of Germany, where the volume of German investments and the volume of foreign trade exchange offer reasons for optimism. Moreover, the mutual cooperation within the OSCE was highly commended by both sides.

The Serbian Foreign Minister thanked the Federal Republic of Germany for its support to Serbia's European path and conveyed his expectation that it would be maintained in the future as well, through German support and assistance, with a view to the earliest possible opening of chapters in the accession negotiations between the Republic of Serbia and the European Union.

The German Ambassador highlighted that besides the European integration, there is a broad spectrum of significant areas where Serbia and Germany could improve their cooperation, such as economy, education and science, youth exchange and further enhancement of cultural cooperation.