Ministry of Foreign Affairs Statements Archive Statements Archive 2015.
Thursday, 04 June 2015. PDF Print E-mail
Minister Dacic conferred with Assistant NATO Secretary General Thrasivoulos Stamatopulos
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dacic-stamatopulosFirst Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Ivica Dacic received today Assistant NATO Secretary General for Political Affairs and Security Policy, Ambassador ThrasivoulosStamatopulos, who is visiting the Republic of Serbia at the invitation of Acting Assistant Minister for Security Policy.
The talks focused on issues related to the promotion of cooperation between the Republic of Serbia and NATO through the Partnership for Peace programme (PfP), implementation of Serbia’s Individual Partnership Action Plan (IPAP) and the current security situation in the region and in Kosovo and Metohija.
Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic underlined that the adoption of IPAP was the most important quality step in the relations between the Republic of Serbia and NATO ever since Serbia joined the PfP, and that Serbia was firmly committed to its implementation. He indicated that Serbia maintained its status of military neutrality, but saw significant possibilities to further enhance its partner cooperation in the PfP framework and played an important role in the preservation of regional security and stability. Referring to very good cooperation with KFOR, Minister Dacic advocated its undiminished presence in the Province, underscoring in particular the importance of the NATO/KFOR role as the guarantor of security and the implementation of the Brussels Agreement.