Ministry of Foreign Affairs Statements Archive Statements Archive 2015.
Thursday, 19 March 2015. PDF Print E-mail
Minister Dacic meets with the delegation of the European Parliament led by Eduard Kukan
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DACIC -_KUKANFirst Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic received today MEPs participating in the third meeting of the EU-Serbia Stabilisation and Association Parliamentary Committee (SAPC), held in Belgrade.

The delegation is led by Eduard Kukan, Chairman of the European Parliament Delegation to the Republic of Serbia.

Minister Dacic presented the EP delegation a detailed account of the present state of the Republic of Serbia’s process of European integration, current issues of Serbian foreign policy, priorities of Serbia’s OSCE Chairmanship, and the results of the continuation of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina mediated by the EU.

Eduard Kukan welcomed the steps Serbia was taking towards faster integration into the EU, and the level of competence and engagement of Serbian institutions in the EU integration process. In that regard, he stressed the significance of the Belgrade- Pristina dialogue continuation.

The present European Parliament Members offered full support to Serbia’s policy aimed at full EU membership and the ongoing reforms.

The Head of Serbian diplomacy expressed his satisfaction with the objective approach and the content of the Resolution on Serbia's progress in the process of European integration, which was recently adopted by the European Parliament. Dacic also expressed satisfaction with the engagement of European Parliament Rapporteur for Serbia David McAllister, and with the personal engagement of Eduard Kukan in the process of harmonization of the adopted Resolution.