Ministry of Foreign Affairs Statements Archive Statements Archive 2014.
Thursday, 01 May 2014. PDF Print E-mail
First Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Dacic holds consultations on European integration
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SastanakThe First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia responsible for foreign policy and security and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Ivica Dacic, held today a meeting with the Minister without portfolio in charge of European integration, Ms. Jadranka Joksimovic and with the Head of the Negotiating Team for Accession Negotiations with the EU, Ms. Tanja Miscevic.

The meeting analyzed the course of Serbia's membership negotiations with the EU conducted thus far and identified priority tasks in the period ahead, as well as ways and means of coordinating the activities of all governmental bodies in European integration.

The meeting reaffirmed that full EU membership is Serbia's foremost foreign policy objective and underlined that foreign policy activity and reform processes needed to be intensified further in order to ensure the opening of individual negotiating chapters at an early date.
Tags: Ivica Dacic