Ministry of Foreign Affairs Statements Archive Statements Archive 2013.
Tuesday, 24 September 2013. PDF Print E-mail
Mrkic: Serbia intensifying its diplomatic presence in the Gulf
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mrkic-unMinister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Ivan Mrkic stated in New York that Serbia was intensifying its diplomatic presence in the Gulf countries. Serbia intended to broaden its diplomatic presence in the Gulf countries, in the Middle East, and expected possible Oman's assistance in these efforts, said Serbian Foreign Minister Ivan Mrkic in New York, on the fringes of the UNGA session, during the meeting with his Omani colleague Jusuf bin Alawi bin Abdullah. "We are currently making arrangements with Oman, as an important country in the Gulf, aimed at expanding Serbia's diplomatic presence in this area and expect to open our embassies in these countries as early as next year", Mrkic stated.

Mrkic also said that plans were in progress for a visit by Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic to the region.

Minister Mrkic also had a trilateral meeting with his colleagues from BiH and Turkey, Zlatko Lagumdzija and Ahmet Davutouglu. They agreed that possibilities should be sought at their next meeting in Belgrade, in December, for strengthening economic cooperation between the two countries and increasing investments to Serbia and BiH.
Serbian Foreign Minister also had talks with Council of Europe Secretary General Thorbjorn Jagland.

Minister Mrkic and Jusuf bin Alawi bin Abdullah

Minister Mrkic with Zlatko Lagumdzija and Ahmet Davutouglu

Minister Mrkic talks about the meetings