Ministry of Foreign Affairs Statements Archive Statements Archive 2013.
Friday, 20 September 2013. PDF Print E-mail
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Adrijus-SenavicijusFollowing the tragic death of Lithuanian customs officer Audrius Senavicius, who died yesterday after a perfidious attack carried out against EULEX members in northern Kosovo and Metohija, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Ivan Mrkic sent his condolences to his Lithuanian colleague Linas Linkevicius. Expressing his heartfelt sympathies and condemning this act of extremism in which the life of this young Lithuanian, a member of the EULEX civil mission, was lost, Minister Mrkic sent a message to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania that the Serbian Government would do everything to help find and punish the perpetrators of this despicable crime.
Lithuanian Minister of Foreign Affairs Linas Linkevicius thanked Serbian Foreign Minister Ivan Mrkic for the words of condolence addressed to him.