Ministry of Foreign Affairs Statements Archive Statements Archive 2013.
Wednesday, 10 July 2013. PDF Print E-mail
Economic cooperation between Serbia and Cuba agreed
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Mrkic - RodrigezAt the beginning of his official visit to Cuba, Foreign Minister Ivan Mrkic met in Havana with his Cuban counterpart Bruno Rodriguez and discussed the possibilities for intensifying cooperation between the two countries, economic cooperation in particular.

Mrkic noted that the foundations for the cooperation between Serbia and Cuba were very solid and that the two countries were exploring possibilities, through the reforms they are carrying out, to strengthen their ties, especially in the field of the economy.

Serbia and Cuba have a long history of excellent relations, recalled the Serbian Foreign Minister, pointing out that this year marks the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between them.

"Since Cuba has embarked upon specific reforms of its own system, and we all know that Serbia has been undergoing serious reforms for quite a while, we are looking for ways of strengthening our ties and cooperation in this reform process, especially in the economy", said Mrkic recalling that Cuba was in need of foreign investments, just like Serbia.

"Cuba is slightly indebted to us, but we can compensate these debts through joint actions vis-a-vis third countries, joint projects, and of particular interest is the cooperation in the field of healthcare," said Mrkic, citing the famous Cuban cancer vaccines and other medicines.

Mrkic said that Serbia was now seeking a way to systematize the entire cooperation process so that patients from Serbia are enabled to obtain this medication easily.

Serbian Foreign Minister announced that Serbian Health Minister Slavica Djukic Dejanovic would visit Cuba in November.

Minister Mrkic met yesterday with Cuban Minister of Foreign Trade and Investment Rodrigo Malmierca with whom he agreed a concrete action programme for the development of economic cooperation between the two countries.

Mrkic and Malmierca also agreed measures for business-research networking in the field of healthcare and pharmaceutical industries. This implies, above all, the cooperation in the prevention and treatment of cancer.

Among other promising areas for strengthening economic ties are agriculture, food processing, tourism and renewable energy sources.

During the visit to Cuba, his first official visit to a Latin American country, Mrkic will also meet with other senior Cuban officials.

The Serbian Foreign Minister's visit to Havana began by laying a wreath at the "Jose Marti" Memorial and touring of this Memorial Centre.

Entry in the guestbook at the Memorial Centre "Jose Martí"

Havana - Serbian Foreign Minister Ivan Mrkic lays a wreath at the "Jose Martí" Memorial

Mrkic: Strong foundations for cooperation with Cuba

Ivan Mrkic with his Cuban counterpart Bruno Rodriguez

Minister Mrkic with the Cuban Minister for Foreign Trade and Investment Rodrigo Malmierca

Meeting with the diplomatic corps in Havana