Ministry of Foreign Affairs Statements Archive Statements Archive 2013.
Monday, 17 June 2013. PDF Print E-mail
Portugal – Mrkic, Portas meet
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Minister Mrkic visits PortugalMinister of Foreign Affairs of Portugal Paolo Portas underlined today, following his talks in Lisbon with his Serbian colleague Ivan Mrkic, that his country had been one of the most vocal supporters of Serbia even when the talks centered on granting Serbia the candidate status for EU membership and that he wished to see it in this club as soon as possible.
"I said it in Belgrade and repeated it in Brussels that there is no Europe without the Balkans and that there are no Balkans without Serbia. Therefore, Serbia's EU accession is of a strategic character, it defines the future of Europe, and Europe needs Serbia", said Portas for Tanjug news agency, emphasizing that Portugal is proud of its positive contribution to Serbia's candidate status.
Pointing out that Portugal is Serbia's very good friend, Portas expressed his hope to see Serbia join the EU as early as possible.
The Portuguese Foreign Minister welcomed the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, adding that this proved that diplomacy and negotiations were the best way of addressing problems.
"It is also an indication for Brussels that Serbia is resorting to diplomacy in order to reach compromise, for what negotiations are about is compromise between the two sides. The news of the agreement reached on 19 April are very good, positive ones", added Portas.
Minister Mrkic said that the statement made by Portas best testifies to the kind of friendship existing between our two countries, explaining that all topics of common interest were discussed during the talks.
"Most of our talks were focused on exchanging information as to what are the odds that the European Council adopt a positive decision regarding the date. All the news we shared were encouraging and it is now essential that, in the next ten days, we intensify everything that the EU has already noted, that is, that the current Government has done what had not only seen as practically unexpected, but was considered impossible a year ago", Mrkic stated.

He went on to say that the Government has managed to do that, proving by many of its actions that it was firm in its commitments and responsible in delivering on what it had undertaken to do, which was met with general support.
"Today, we agreed here with our Portuguese friends on how to proceed in the next ten days, to exchange information and coordinate, in order that the decision, which we believe we deserve, be reached in our favour on that 28 June", said Mrkic and went on to explain that these assessments were based on facts and on what he could hear in the discussions with his colleagues.
Mrkic announced that, after Lisbon, in the coming days he would have a further series of discussions with the foreign ministers of Serbia's partners in the EU. In the talks between the two Foreign Ministers, it could be heard that, in the past year, the Government of Serbia has demonstrated with much enthusiasm and in a tangible way, its wish to join the European Union and readiness to deliver upon its promises.
Thanking his colleague Portas, Mrkic underlined that, this week, ahead of the European Council meeting of 28 June, was highly important for Serbia and that what he had been hearing from his foreign ministerial colleagues in the past days, including what he heard from Minister Portas today, gave reason for hope that Serbia would be positively evaluated and, thus, granted the date.
"The date is important because we want a speedy and precise implementation of the (Brussels) Agreement", stated Serbian Foreign Minister and added that the date would give an impetus to that end.