Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service
Zagreb: Serbian Film Days PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 03 April 2017.
dani 4The formal opening ceremony of Serbian Film Days, jointly organized by our Embassy in Croatia, Croatian Film Association, Yugoslav Film Archive, Film Center of Serbia, Center of the Film and the Serb National Council, took place on 3 April at the cinema Tuskanac in Zagreb. The Serbian Orthodox Church has also helped the project. Ms. Agar Pata of the Croatian Film Association contributed to this initiative and throughout the cooperation previously maintained with the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Zagreb by facilitating and making this cultural event possible.
Tags: Croatia
Moscow: Awards presented at the 3rd International Competition "Fairy Tales from Russia and the Whole World through Children's Eyes" – "Fairy Tales from Serbia through Children's Eyes" PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 30 March 2017.
Presentation of the book "Fairy Tales of Serbia", collected and saved for posterity by Vuk Stefanovic Karadzic in his time, was held at the "Manege" Central Exhibition Hall in St. Petersburg. The book was translated and edited by the former Russian Ambassador to FR Yugoslavia Valery Yegoshkin, with sponsorship of the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Moscow, Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Russian Academy of Arts.
Budapest: Serbian Ambassador delivers a lecture at Corvinus University PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, 28 March 2017.
Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia in Budapest Rade Drobac delivered a lecture at Corvinus University in Budapest, on 28 March, the topic of the lecture being the "European Integration of the Republic of Serbia". The lecture was also attended by the Vice Chancellor for International Relations and a large number of students of the said University.
Tags: Hungary
San Juan: “Serbia in 1914 – Women’s Role in the Great War” Exhibition PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 27 March 2017.
IZLOZBA San_HuanAmbassador of the Republic of Serbia in Argentina Jela Bacovic opened an exhibition entitled "Serbia in 1914, Women's Role in the Great War", in the San Juan Province. The exhibition was inaugurated with the accompaniment of music played by the Juan Victoria Auditorium Permanent Orchestra, in the presence of local and provincial authorities.
Tags: Argentina
Moscow: Serbian soiree at the Kaluga Region representation PDF Print E-mail
Friday, 24 March 2017.
A Serbian soiree took place at the Kaluga Region representation in Moscow, housed in a 19th century castle, hosted by the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in the Russian Federation and the Vladimir the Brave Fund.
Prague: Screening of the film “We Will Be World Champions” PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 20 March 2017.
Prag 2032017In the context of the Festival de la Francophonie, the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Prague hosted a screening of "We Will Be World Champions", a Serbian film directed by Darko Bajic, at the French Institute in Prague, on 20 March 2017.
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