Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Monday, 27 March 2017. PDF Print E-mail
San Juan: “Serbia in 1914 – Women’s Role in the Great War” Exhibition
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IZLOZBA San_HuanAmbassador of the Republic of Serbia in Argentina Jela Bacovic opened an exhibition entitled "Serbia in 1914, Women's Role in the Great War", in the San Juan Province. The exhibition was inaugurated with the accompaniment of music played by the Juan Victoria Auditorium Permanent Orchestra, in the presence of local and provincial authorities.

Ambassador Jela Bacovic thanked for the interest shown by the civic authorities, especially Mayor Aranda, for having organized the exhibition of the Historical Museum of Serbia, highlighting the role of women in the First World War.

On this occasion, the issue of economic cooperation between the Republic of Serbia and the Province of San Juan was also raised, and Ambassador Bacovic was presented with the decoration of an "Honorary Guest" of San Juan.

After the official cocktail reception, Ambassador Bacovic, together with Mayor Aranda, awarded a plaque of appreciation to the renowned Argentine children's hematologist Dr. Elizabeth Arrieta.
Tags: Argentina