Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Statements
Wednesday, 25 March 2020. PDF Print E-mail
Dacic: Solving the issue of Serbian citizens unable to return to Serbia after being stranded at airports and border crossings
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Appearing on the RTV show 'Right Angle', First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic underlined that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs prioritized citizens who were unable to return to Serbia after being stranded at airports or border crossings, and underscored that those citizens who wanted to return and were not under existential threat would be evacuated in the second wave.

Serbian Foreign Minister stated that the issue of Serbian citizens who were stranded at the Austrian-Hungarian and Slovenian-Croatian border was resolved.

"A group of 75 people have left the area and two groups of 200 people will cross the Slovenian-Croatian border tonight".
Minister Dacic said that the Emergency Task Force of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs arranged a flight schedule, two flights a day, to evacuate citizens stranded around the world.

"Flight departing to London Airport is scheduled for tomorrow" the Minister said.

"We cannot arrange flights to every destination, this is an unrealistic expectation, but we can reach certain centers, such as Paris, United Arab Emirates and Moscow, and we advise our citizens worldwide, from Peru to Thailand, to plan their travel accordingly", Dacic said.

Minister Dacic stated that Serbian foreign policy is conducted now via video conference calls and that the fight against the pandemic remained a top priority. In that regard, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs focused its efforts both on evacuating Serbian citizens and engaging with diplomats worldwide.

"When the pandemic ends, there will be plenty of time to contemplate which countries have shown solidarity with Serbia", Dacic said and added that China demonstrated true friendship considering that the issue did not concern funding, but rather procurement of necessary equipment. Dacic stated that EU partners did not show 'good will', as they were going through the same difficulties.

"Procurement of medical and protective equipment or respirators is currently not possible anywhere in the world, and friendships play an important role to this end", Dacic underscored.

Referring to the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, Minister Dacic said that Serbia provided and would continue to provide assistance, and emphasized that political conflicts in Kosovo evoked little interest during the pandemic.