Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Statements
Friday, 22 November 2019. PDF Print E-mail
The Republic of Nauru becomes the 17th country to revoke its recognition of Kosovo
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"The Republic of Nauru is the 17th country to revoke its recognition of so-called Kosovo's unilateral declaration of independence. The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Nauru submitted a copy of the note today which had been sent to the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia to Australia.

The note implies that the Republic of Nauru has reviewed its decision on the recognition of so-called Kosovo and will terminate all diplomatic communication which it has established with Kosovo so far. It was concluded that the decision was premature and contradicted the principles of the UN Security Council Resolution 1244. It is of great importance to us as this is another state in line, the 17th out of 193 UN Member States, to revoke its recognition.

Last week, I stated that the situation regarding countries which had and had not recognized Kosovo was 94 to 94, including 5 states whose status was ambivalent - mainly those that we regarded had not recognized independence and which Kosovo deemed otherwise.

Therefore, taking into account the note of the Republic of Nauru, the current situation is as follows – 95 states do not recognize Kosovo as an independent state while 93 states do, including 5 states which, so to speak, maintain an abstained status.

We will continue with such activities, as instructed by President Aleksandar Vucic, with the aim of safeguarding our state and national interests and protecting our territorial integrity", said the First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia following the meeting in the Republic of Vanuatu.