Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Statements
Thursday, 21 November 2019. PDF Print E-mail
The Republic of Serbia has been reelected to the UNESCO Executive Board
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At the 40th Session of the UNESCO General Conference, held on 20 November 2019 in Paris, the Republic of Serbia has been reelected to membership of the UNESCO Executive Board which it will hold in the next four years until 2023. As a member of the Executive Board, the Republic of Serbia has significantly contributed so far to the work of UNESCO with its active approach and constructive activities. It will continue to advocate for the fundamental principles and values of the Organization, along with strategic priorities and programs in close coordination with other member states, and support the successful implementation of the UNESCO mandate in key areas of education, culture, science, communication and information.

The Republic of Serbia has a vast amount of heritage and elements registered with UNESCO. The following natural and cultural heritage can be found on the World Heritage List: Stari Ras and Sopocani (1979), Studenica Monastery (1986), Gamzigrad – Romouliana (2007) and Stecci Medieval Tombstone Graveyards which have been inscribed together with Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and the Republic of Croatia in 2016. Whereas the Medieval Monuments in Kosovo and Metohija – the Decani monastery, Patriarchate of Pec, Gracanica Monastery and Church of the Holy Virgin of Ljevis have been inscribed on the UNESCO list of endangered monuments since 2006. The UNESCO List of Intangible Heritage includes "Slava" or celebration of family patron saints (2014), Kolo or circle dance (2017) and Singing to the accompaniment of gusle. Nikola Tesla's Archive (2004), Miroslav Gospel (2005) and Telegram of Austria-Hungary's Declaration of the First World War on Serbia (2015) have been inscribed to the Memory of the World Register which is dedicated to the preservation of documentary heritage. Biosphere reserves Golija Studenica (2002) and Backo Podunavlje (2017) have been inscribed on the MAB-Man and Biosphere list.

In addition, the Republic of Serbia has nominated Djerdap National Geo Park for inclusion in the UNESCO Global Geo Parks Register whereas Vranje has been selected and included in the UNESCO Creative Cities Network in the music field this year.

You can download the Republic of Serbia's brochure prepared for election to the UNESCO Executive Board here.