Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Statements
Thursday, 14 November 2019. PDF Print E-mail
Lopandic: Only Pristina objects to “Mini Schengen”
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Appearing on "Good Morning Serbia!" program Ambassador Dusko Lopandic emphasized that Serbia should maintain regional cooperation with everyone because we had the capacity to launch various initiatives in our favor and so that we could "get back on our feet".

"The enlargement process is slow. Also, the Western Balkans is the slowest of all regions. If we make a comparison with the East European, they are 10 years ahead of us. We are still far from solving the problem with Kosovo. We need to have regional cooperation and that regional co-operation should be omnipresent, "Lopandic noted, adding that Mini Schengen was a very good thing for Serbia, but that some Kosovo politicians disagree with that point of view because of politics.

"I must say that Mini Schengen is a very positive thing, economically in the first place and everyone making negative statements about it, are doing that mostly for political reasons. Serbia always comes up with new initiatives. Everything comes from the Balkans, which is positive, and everything which is not politicization is decried, "Dusko Lopandic added to the morning television program Happy.