Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Statements
Saturday, 09 November 2019. PDF Print E-mail
Ten keys delivered to refugees from Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina in Brus
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Statement by FDPM/MFA Ivica Dacic on the occasion of the formal ceremony delivering apartment keys to refugee families in Brus, as part of the implementation of the Regional Housing Programme in the Republic of Serbia, Subproject 4 :

"Distinguished guests,
Ladies and gentlemen,
Dear friends,

It is my great honour to have an opportunity again as Chairman of the national Regional Housing Programme Steering Committee to hand over keys to ten families who will, as of today, permanently resettle here in Brus. The whirlwind of war in the territory of the former Yugoslavia has taken away many lives and brought great suffering to all of you who found shelter in the Republic of Serbia. As of this day, we are all happy that you can say for certain you have found a new home.

The Regional Housing Programme is a truly remarkable project. Regardless of their ethnicity, the Programme has been fully impartial in helping all who had been rendered homeless in any part of the former Yugoslavia. So far, around 4,000 housing units have been delivered to tenants, with a plan to have a total of 7,000 families exercise this right.

These flats in Brus that you are about to move in, have been provided within Subproject 4 amounting to a total of EUR 18.4 million. In the framework of this project we have so far provided accommodation to families in Arilje, Vrnjacka Banja, Stara Pazova, Kladovo, Negotin and Temerin.

The Regional Housing Programme has been funded through contributions, with the European Union as the biggest donor. The Regional Housing Programme Fund is managed by the Council of Europe Development Bank. The Commissariat for Refugees and Migration is a leading institution in Serbia responsible for the implementation of the programme while the beneficiaries are chosen in a procedure carried out in cooperation with local self-government units and monitored by both UNHCR and the OSCE.

I take this opportunity to thank the Mayor of Brus – Mr. Sasa Milosevic and staff of the municipality for making a significant contribution to having these dwellings built and delivered to the future occupants. My gratitude also goes to our dear friends, Ambassador Orizio of the OSCE, representative of the EU Delegation Enrico Maria Vinsentin, Director of the Public Sector Project Management Unit Dragan Katuca and to Assistant Commissioner for Refugees and Migration Ivan Gerginov, including the entire team from the Commessariat for Refugees and Migration, whose presence is always welcome.

Dear friends, the EU accession process is a permanent orientation of the Government of the Republic of Serbia. This Programme we are implementing together with the European Union has been a positive example of support, understanding and an excellent cooperation. The Government of the Republic of Serbia has been working dedicatedly to improve the quality of life in our country in all areas. We have more work to do and many hurdles and difficulties ahead of us to overcome. But there is no doubt about one thing – we are all on this job together – both you citizens and we state officials. Only together can we secure a better tomorrow for ourselves and our offspring.

I wish you all the best and a happy new beginning! Long live Serbia!"