Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Statements
Friday, 11 October 2019. PDF Print E-mail
Border crossing point Kübekháza – Rabe solemnly opened
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Statement by FDPM/MFA I. Dacic on the occasion of inauguration of a new border crossing point Kübekháza – Rabe :

"Dear Minister Szijjártó,
Minister Joksimovic,
Esteemed Excellencies,
Ladies and gentlemen,
Dear friends,

It is my great pleasure and honour to formally open, together with my colleague and above all friend, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary Peter Szijjártó, the new border crossing point at Kübekháza – Rabe. In a symbolic ribbon-cutting ceremony, we will open another border crossing point adding it to the many border crossing points existing between the two countries, bringing far-reaching benefits to the citizens of our states. In this way, not only that we make a joint contribution to facilitating the movement of goods and people, but also to the promotion of cross-border cooperation and the development of the region as a whole.

I would like to underline in particular that the relations between our two countries are at a historic high, having reached the level of a strategic partnership. The intensity of our cooperation is also contributed by the regular meetings of the two Governments which take place in a very positive and constructive atmosphere. This year's firth joint Government meeting, held on 15 April in Subotica, was very important for the prosperity of our bilateral relations and for further deepening of ties in all areas of common interest. I am convinced that the upswing in the development of cooperation between our two countries will be crowned by the signing of a Statement of Intent on Cooperation in the framework of the Serbia-Hungary strategic cooperation, at the sixth Joint Government meeting, which should be held next year. This would allow us to set an example of successful good-neighbourly relations to other countries in the region, but also to establish a model for overcoming open issues through dialogue and a constructive approach to problem-solving.

It is a fact that persons belonging to the Hungarian community who live in Serbia have made an active contribution to the development of the country, but also, in the opposite direction, they are one of the key bridges bringing us together. Therefore, we highly appreciate the expressions of gratitude extended by Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orbán, at the latest session of our two Governments held so far, because of our concern for the position of the Hungarian national minority and the support it has enjoyed in the preservation of Hungarian national identity in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. I am confident that by working together we will continue to steadily improve the position of the Serbian national minority living in Hungary and the Hungarian national minority living in Serbia and ensure their well-being in the future.

I take this opportunity to once again thank Hungary for its strong support to us on the road of the Republic of Serbia to EU membership. Among EU member states, Hungary is the most vocal and consistent supporter of Serbia's early integration into the family of European nations. I would particularly like to thank Minister Péter Szijjártó for his consistent support to the enlargement policy. I am confident that in the future as well Hungary will contribute to the realization of this strategic foreign policy goal which is essential to us.

Dear friends,

I am convinced that our cooperation will continue to develop at an accelerated pace in the future, especially in the fields of economy, agriculture and infrastructure, and that our joint efforts will yield remarkable results.

I am sure that the border crossing point we are opening today will reinforce the strong ties already existing between our peoples and that it will become a symbol of a well-grounded cooperation and solid good-neighborly relations.

Long live the friendship between Serbia and Hungary!"