Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Statements
Tuesday, 01 October 2019. PDF Print E-mail
Congratulatory message from Minister Dacic to Wang Yi on the occasion of 70 years since the foundation of the People’s Republic of China
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First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Ivica Dacic addressed the following message of congratulations to State Councillor and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China Wang Yi on the occasion of 70th anniversary of the Foundation Day of the People's Republic of China:

"Excellency, dear friend,

On behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia and my own, I extend to you heartiest congratulations on the occasion of an important anniversary, seventy years since the foundation of the People's Republic of China, and my sincere wishes for further overall development of your wonderful country and the friendly people of China, with whom we share a comprehensive strategic partnership.

Serbia is impressed by the successes which the People's Republic of China has achieved over the past seven decades and which it continues to achieve in all areas of its development. We are looking forward to the strengthening of China, both internally and internationally, under stewardship of the wise Chinese leadership and the Communist Party of China, on the basis of socialism with Chinese characteristics adapted to suit the new age, and with the fulfilment of the Chinese dream bringing progress at the global level as well.

I am confident that in the years ahead of us, China's diplomacy, with you at its helm, will also continue to achieve successes aimed at further prosperity of your country and its people, and at preserving peace and stability in the world, with the respect of international law, equality and mutual understanding.

I avail myself of this opportunity to reiterate my readiness to undertake efforts, together with you, towards further diversification and deepening of the steel friendship and strategic relations between the Republic of Serbia and the People's Republic of China. The cooperation between the Ministries we are heading is certainly one of the major links in the further promotion of our friendly bilateral relations. Serbia is committed to the implementation of the major global Belt and Road initiative, launched by China, and to the China–CEEC cooperation mechanism which gained global prominence owing to its significant results", says the message from the Serbian Foreign Minister.