Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Statements
Saturday, 29 June 2019. PDF Print E-mail
Dacic:”Serbia will continue to develop its political, economic and cultural/educational relations with all states of South and North America and the Caribbean”
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First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic, head of the delegation of the Republic of Serbia, with observer status in the Organization of American States, the most important regional organization, had meetings with twenty heads of delegation of the Member States at the sidelines of the 49th session of the OAS General Assembly.

In intensive meetings during a two-day conference, Minister Dacic had an opportunity to inform his counterparts of the current political processes in the region, the results of economic policy and reforms undertaken by the Government of the Republic of Serbia including our country's major foreign policy priorities.

The collocutors from the Member States of the Organization highly appreciated the participation of Serbia headed by First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and the activities pursued by Serbia both in the Organization and with the OAS Member States.

In these meetings, Minister Dacic emphasized that Serbia would continue to develop its political, economic and cultural/educational relations with all states of South and North America and the Caribbean.

During the OAS General Assembly session, in a segment devoted to cooperation among OAS Member States, the Serbian Foreign Minister made a statement underlining the activities and strategic approach of Serbia in its cooperation with regional organizations including bilateral ties with Member States aimed at promoting overall cooperation to the benefit of all interested parties.