Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Statements
Wednesday, 12 June 2019. PDF Print E-mail
Roundtable discussion on building Serbia’s national capacity for civilian peace support missions
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Ambassador Branimir Filipovic, Acting Assistant Minister for security policy, was one of the main panellists at the Round Table presenting Serbia's national capacity building for civilian peace support missions , organized by the ISAC Fund, in attendance of Ambassadors and diplomatic representatives of EU Member States, international organizations' diplomatic missions and of non-EU countries.

The event was opened by Milan Pajevic, Chairman of the ISAC Fund Advisory Board and Nikola Petrovic, Director of the ISAC Fund, and the keynote speakers at the roundtable, in addition to Ambassador Filipovic, included Director of Directorate for European Integration and Project Management of the Ministry of Defence, Colonel Dr Katarina Strbac, and Commissioner for the Protection of Equality Brankica Jankovic who shared her personal experiences and impressions gained as she participated in the recent civilian training for deployment in multinational missions and operations.

The Acting Assistant Minister pointed out that the participation in multinational operations was an important segment of Serbian foreign policy, that the internationally recognized extraordinary results achieved through the participation of the Serbian Armed Forces and Ministry of the Interior's personnel were an invaluable experience which strengthened our commitment and also generated new potential for further affirming our country as a responsible partner and an exporter of stability, thus additionally solidifying the foreign policy position of the country.

He noted that further substance would be added to our priorities by Serbian participation in civilian missions and presented the activities to build our institutional and legislative capacities for civilian missions, further stressing that all such activities were carried out with a shared commitment, a coordinated approach, mutual understanding, support and solidarity of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Defence, the Ministry for European Integration and other state authorities.