Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Statements
Tuesday, 11 June 2019. PDF Print E-mail
Dacic: "The United Nations does not accept impairment of UNMIK personnel immunity"
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"The Security Council session on Kosovo and Metohija elaborated on the most recent incident i.e. the attack by the Kosovo security forces on northern Kosovo and Metohija. As anticipated, the greatest interest was related to the arrest and immunity of UNMIK staff.

Regardless of the political differences, all members of the UN Security Council, including the Secretary-General, strongly condemned the violation of UNMIK personnel immunity.

Many countries have reiterated that tariffs remaining in place posed an obstacle to the continuation of the dialogue and made a straightforward demand to Pristina to lift them immediately.

The next Council session is due in October. At today's session, I clearly urged the international community, the SC and KFOR members to carry out their duties pursuant to Resolution 1244. I shared the information we possess concerning Pristina's preparing an attack on northern Kosovo and that KFOR must define the position on whether it wants to defend Serbs or not. If not, it will cause a new political and security situation and create major problems and the "flames of war" can engulf the entire region. I hope that this will not happen. Serbia is ready to continue the dialogue and if the tariffs are removed the dialogue will resume as soon as possible.

The UN Secretary-General is fully informed of the situation. He also pointed out that the presence of the UN Mission in Kosovo and Metohija was proof that things had not been resolved, and that Kosovo would like most of them out of there, and that the aim is to drive them away.

The issue of relations with UNMIK members, beatings, mistreatment and disrespect for the immunity decision is something that the United Nations does not accept, "said the Serbian Foreign Minister after emerging from the Security Council meeting and meeting with the UN Secretary-General yesterday.