Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Statements
Monday, 13 May 2019. PDF Print E-mail
Second training course for civilians for participation in multinational operations opens at the Centre for Peacekeeping Operations
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img 6606_1557751854Ambassador Branimir Filipovic, Acting Assistant Foreign Minister for security policy, together with State Secretary of the Ministry of Defence Bojan Jocic and Deputy Commander of the Joint Operations Command Major General Ilija Todorov, took part in the opening ceremony for the Second Training Course for civilians for participation in multinational operations, held at the Centre for Peacekeeping Operations.

The course is co-organized by the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Serbia and the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of European Integration.

The course will be attended by 20 trainees in Belgrade, Kraljevo and South base in Bujanovac, from 13 to 24 May 2019, with the aim of providing them with professional training and expanding their knowledge of the functioning of peacekeeping missions system, duties and responsibilities of civilian personnel in EU, OSCE and UN-mandated civilian missions, as well as of proper conduct in multinational environments and complex security situations beyond the borders of the Republic of Serbia.

Conveying regards from First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Ivica Dacic and his best wishes for success of the course, Ambassador Filipovic pointed out that the First Course for training civilians for participation in multinational operations, carried out with success from 26 November – 7 December 2018, as well as the Second Course, which was about to begin, opened a new important chapter strongly contributing to the affirmation of the Republic of Serbia as an exporter of security, and a country truly devoted to the values of peace and cooperation, showing in practice its readiness to share responsibility in endeavours to secure a more stable world.

Ambassador Filipovic stressed that years-long participation of the personnel of the Ministry of Defence, Serbian Armed Forces and the Ministry of the Interior in military and police multinational missions and operations, through which Serbia was making a continued and active contribution to the global security and stability, was internationally recognized as a highly positive one, due to a high level of their training, professionalism and readiness to carry out all tasks assigned to them on particular missions and operations. He expressed his belief that civilian participation would in the period ahead become another significant segment in the context of taking a foreign policy position at the international level, as Serbia would in this way re-affirm its place in the international arena as a partner delivering on its promises, ready to share responsibility with regard to significant common goals of securing peace and stability.

The Acting Assistant Foreign Minister for security policy also underlined that all activities were carried out with highest cooperation and mutual support shown among all the sectors involved, aiming to, by espousing such an approach, come up with productive solutions allowing for the most effective implementation.IMG-ee5560c748bea5f7d7b60034e2a8dd56-V