Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Statements
Monday, 22 April 2019. PDF Print E-mail
Serbia committed to improving the quality of life for youth
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1dw220419 resultFirst Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic met today with Ms. Jayathma Wickramanayake (Sri Lanka), United Nations Secretary-General's Envoy on Youth.

On this occasion, the Foreign Minister offered his condolences and deepest sympathies on behalf of the Republic of Serbia to the friendly people of Sri Lanka following the tragic attacks and heavy loss of life in that country.

Pointing out that the Republic of Serbia considered the United Nations to be the most important multilateral organization and that through an active cooperation, Serbia contributed to many of the Organization's activities, the Minister expressed support to UN activities aimed at promoting the situation of youth, their participation and contribution at national, regional and global levels.

He took the opportunity to underline that Serbia was systematically engaged in improving youth quality of life by promoting their employment opportunities, appreciating their interests and by enabling their active participation in decision-making processes, which helped improve the quality of life in general. He indicated the contribution to this goal made by the initiative to promote the situation and cooperation among young people in Kosovo and Metohija as implemented by UNMIK, whose presence under UN SCR 1244 (1999) guaranteed the province's neutral status.

Expressing his satisfaction with her visit, Special Envoy Wickramanayake commended Serbia's activities and contribution to UN efforts in this field, emphasizing in particular the importance of implementing the National Youth Strategy 2015-2025 by participation of youth delegates from Serbia in the UN General Assembly activities as well as their contribution to the implementation of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Furthermore, Ms. Wickramanayake underlined the importance of cooperation with UNDP in this respect, saying that once the ongoing selection process was over, the prizes for best youth initiatives would be awarded at the 141st IPU Assembly to be hosted by Belgrade in October 2019. Both sides expressed readiness to strengthen cooperation in the forthcoming period.