Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Statements
Monday, 25 March 2019. PDF Print E-mail
Consultation on Security Policy between the Republic of Serbia and the Kingdom of Norway
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20190325 100055_resultBilateral Consultations on security policy were held between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia and the Kingdom of Norway in Belgrade on 25 March 2019.
The Serbian delegation was headed by the Acting Assistant Foreign Minister for Security Policy, Ambassador Branimir Filipovic, while the Norwegian delegation was headed by the Director General of the Department for Security Policy and High North Ambassador Knut Hauge.

At the beginning of the meeting ambassador Hauge, expressed regret and condolences for every innocent life lost during the events in 1999 and said this was a broadly shared sentiment among NATO countries. Norway is NATO Contact Point Embassy for cooperation with Serbia in Serbia.

Ambassador Filipović stressed that we will always remember those killed in the NATO bombing of the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which was done without the authorization of the UN Security Council, as an act of aggression against a sovereign country and we will mark commemoration of this terrible tragedy that happened Serbian citizens with the hope that such a tragedy will never happen again.
During the consultations, both sides expressed their readiness to enhance bilateral cooperation in the security policy area, and exchanged views on a number of topics of common interest, highlighting in particular the political and security situation in the Western Balkans, engagement of the two countries within the EU Common Security and Defence Policy, Serbia's participation in NATO Partnership for Peace programme, and the challenges currently facing European security.

Special attention was paid to the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, the role of KFOR and the fulfillment of its mandate established by Resolution 1244 to preserve of peace and security in Kosovo and Metohija and protect the Serbian population and its cultural and religious heritage.
It was agreed to continue with the practice of holding bilateral consultations on security policy between the two foreign ministries, as a good opportunity to consider many issues of common interest and affirm the activities and achievements that contribute to bilateral relations, better mutual understanding and promotion of peace and stability in the region.