Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Statements
Saturday, 23 March 2019. PDF Print E-mail
Dacic:”Serbia devotes great attention to its relations with Latin American countries”
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Arg 5"Serbia devotes great attention to its relations with Latin American countries. In view of the fact that many of those countries are our traditional friends that have not recognized unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo, we need to foster good relations with them. We take part in all events and international conferences organized in these countries.
Today I wrap up my visit to Argentina which hosted the UN Conference on South-South Cooperation.
To me, participation in this conference was important also because it enabled me to meet many Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Presidents of states attending the Conference.

I had very good talks with Argentinian officials. Argentina has been and will remain our friend and will continue to support Serbia. We expect further development of our cooperation and would like to reciprocate hospitality to the Argentinian Foreign Minister in Serbia.
During my stay, I visited the "Square of the Republic of Serbia" that I inaugurated last year in Buenos Aires and I have again received a title of an honorary guest of Buenos Aires, which is a huge recognition for the Republic of Serbia.

Yesterday, I visited Uruguay where I had excellent talks with the Foreign Minister of that country. Uruguay is also a great friend of Serbia and they will continue to support us.

Tomorrow I shall visit Paraguay. That country did not recognize unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo. Still, they recently voted in favour of Kosovo's admission to INTERPOL. I consider that it is very important that we engage in a serious conversation with them and clarify the situation. We were told that there were pressures on them from the United States, Germany and other countries. In view of our traditionally good relations, I hope that they will not change their position in connection with Kosovo and Metohija.

Serbia is now more present in this region than before and that accords us a stable position at the international political scene", the Serbian Foreign Minister said at the end of his stay in Buenos Aires.