Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Statements
Thursday, 18 October 2018. PDF Print E-mail
Readiness to further strengthen bilateral cooperation between Serbia and Finland
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Nemanja Stevanovic with Mr. Matti AnttonenState Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Nemanja Stevanovic has received today the State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Finland, Mr. Matti Anttonen.

In the friendly talks, the two collocutors assessed that the bilateral relations were exceptionally good and expressed interest and readiness to further strengthen them and to intensify political dialogue on all levels.

The two sides also put forward proposals for the promotion of economic cooperation as well as for the ways of attracting potential Finnish investors to Serbia.

State Secretary Stevanovic thanked his counterpart for the principled support of Finland to Serbia's EU integration path, as well as for the expertise and technical support extended in the process of state administration reform.

State Secretary Anttonen welcomed the efforts made by Serbia towards its EU membership and said that Serbia could count on Finnish support to Serbia's European integration process in the future as well.