Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Statements
Monday, 06 August 2018. PDF Print E-mail
Strengthening political dialogue between Serbia and Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
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Ivica Dacic with Ri Pyong DuFirst Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Ivica Dacic received today Ambassador of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea Ri Pyong Du, accredited to the Republic of Serbia on a non-resident basis, with residence in Romania.

Noting that there were no open issues in the two countries' bilateral relations, both sides underlined the long-standing friendship between the two countries marking the 70th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations this year. In this context, the collocutors noted the need for strengthening political dialogue and discussed the possibilities for exchanging visits.

Minister Dacic reiterated Serbia's position in support of the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and resolution of the nuclear issue of DPR Korea by peaceful means, i.e., through talks between the parties involved. Furthermore, the Serbian side welcomed the historic summit between the United States and the DPR Korea which took place on 12 June in Singapore, voicing the hope that this positive trend would also continue in the future, with a view to reaching lasting peace on the Korean Peninsula.

Ambassador Ri Pyong Du expressed readiness to strengthen bilateral cooperation between DPR Korea and the Republic of Serbia, recalling the traditionally friendly relations between the two countries lasting for many decades.