Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Statements
Thursday, 22 February 2018. PDF Print E-mail
Dacic, Lavrov: “Readiness to further strengthen strategic relations between the two countries”
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Dacic LavrovMinisters of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia and of the Russian Federation, Ivica Dacic and Sergey Lavrov, addressed today academics and students on the premises of the Belgrade University Rector's Office.

Minister Dacic sent out a message that, given the current international relations, it was necessary to pursue a resolute foreign policy aimed at defending Serbia's state interests which is, he explained, closely related to the Serbian – Russian relations.

"Serbia, today, cannot defend its national, state interests without Russian assistance", Dacic underlined.

The Serbian Foreign Minister stated that it was a great honour for Serbia to celebrate the jubilee anniversary of Serbian – Russian diplomatic relations, graced by the presence of Sergey Lavrov, one of Serbia's "greatest and best friends" worldwide.

He recalled the centuries-long relations between the two countries, dating back to the first breakthroughs of Christianity into the territories of today's Russia and Serbia.

"We are currently facing pressures by some countries to align with the sanctions against Russia, or to vote against Russia in international organizations. It should be clear to everyone that, because of its own interests, not only moral but rational, state interests too, Serbia must never pursue an anti-Russian policy – and it will never do that", stressed the Serbian Foreign Minister.

Minister Lavrov pointed out that his country appreciated Serbia's independent and multi-directional foreign policy course, and that it stood ready to strengthen its strategic relations with Serbia.

Minister Lavrov emphasized that his country would continue to support Serbia's positions concerning the preservation of national sovereignty and integrity, and respect of UNSC resolution 1244.

As regards Serbia's European integration, the Russian Foreign Minister expressed conviction that Serbia would benefit from the cooperation both with the EU and the Eurasian Union.

The world was changing, and we were witness to the emergence of new centres of power, while an increasing number of countries were committing themselves to a pragmatic foreign policy based on their own interests", said Minister Lavrov.

Closing their statements, the two Ministers sent messages that Serbia would never pursue an anti-Russian policy, and that official Moscow appreciated Serbia's independent foreign policy.