Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Tuesday, 28 July 2020. PDF Print E-mail
Toronto: Consul General Petkovic interviewed by Slovo magazine
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altIn its 28 July issue, Canadian-Serbian Slovo magazine ran an interview with Serbian Consul General in Toronto Vasilije Petkovic who called on companies and individuals interested in doing business in Serbia to contact the Consulate for information on available incentives.
"Serbia has enacted a number of laws and measures providing for smooth business operations in our country. The Consulate General is open to suggestions and ideas related to doing business in Serbia and to facilitate contacts with relevant authorities able to offer support in the implementation of projects to the mutual benefit. Serbian economic system is based on the principles of free market economy. In the past, domestic and foreign investors have not been treated equally but now they are accorded the same status. All investors receive equal state subsidies", Consul General Petkovic said.
He said that that Serbian community was very well organized and connected horizontally - through a network of organizations, associations, church municipalities and cultural clubs, but that the "vertical organization" was lacking, i.e., a Canada-wide umbrella organization to represent and protect Serb interests throughout Canada in all spheres of Canadian society.