Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Sunday, 06 October 2019. PDF Print E-mail
Milan: Italian Media on the Exhibition of Nikola Tesla Museum
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altItalian media paid great attention to the exhibition of Belgrade's Nikola Tesla Museum in Milan at Spacio Ventura XV on October 3rd. The opening ceremony was attended by Ambassador Goran Aleksic, who, with the Museum Director Ivona Jevtic, addressed the audience.

The Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera published a report on the exhibition, and Radio Pico uploaded a video interview with our Ambassador in which he spoke not only about the exhibition, but also about the anniversary of 140 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Serbia and Italy.

The report on the exhibition was also available on the internet portal, which was created on the local domain Mostratella specifically for the purpose of promoting the event. The news was also carried by Nova and Milano Today and Startup Italy sites.