Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Thursday, 03 October 2019. PDF Print E-mail
Toronto: Literary Evening at the Consulate General
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altThe Consulate General in Toronto, together with the "Desanka Maksimovic" Association of Canada, organized a literary evening on Gordana Simeunovic's collection of poems "Apple in Serbian Poetry" on 3 October, at its premises.

An apple, as a source of inspiration for a large number of poems in Serbian poetry, is the theme of this selection of poems which have been collected from different periods of time, from folk to contemporary Serbian poetry. The author, Gordana Simeunovic, whose poetry has been translated to several world languages, lives in Serbia and could not come to Canada to attend this literary evening but she sent a letter of cordial thanks to the Consul General of the Republic of Serbia in Toronto for hosting the presentation of her collection of poems at the Serbian Consulate General.


In his welcome remarks, Consul General Vasilije Petkovic said that this ninth evening had been dedicated to Serbian art over the past year, and stressed that Serbs had a rich cultural heritage also contributed by Serbian creators living and working worldwide. The poems in the collection were read by members of the "Desanka Maksimovic" Association, and afterwards the cocktail reception was held for the participants and guests of the literary evening.


Publishing of the "Apple in Serbian Poetry" collection was helped by a member of the "Desanka Maksimović" Association, Dusica Ivanovic.