Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Thursday, 23 May 2019. PDF Print E-mail
Hamburg: Serbia in the Long Night of Consulates
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altThe Serbian Consulate General in Hamburg was open on the night of 23 May as it participated in the Long Night of Consulates, an event of the Europe Week sponsored by the Senate of Hamburg.

Those visiting the Consulate General that night were able to watch short feature films about the tourist offer in Serbia and sample Serbian specialties. Serbian nationals attending the Hamburg University of Music and Theatre performed classical music pieces, while "Mladost" sing and dance group presented Serbian traditional dances.

Among the numerous audiences, the Consulate was visited by Dorothee Stapelfeldt, Senator for Urban Development and Environment of Hamburg, Murat Gözay, MP of the Alliance 90/The Greens Hamburg in the local Parliament and Ian Karan, the city's former Minister of Economic Affairs.


It was the seventh time that the Consulate General of Serbia in Hamburg participated in this event, alongside 24 other Consulates, 3 media and culture institutions, as well as UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning and the EU-Latin America and Caribbean Foundation (EU-LAC).