Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Saturday, 06 April 2019. PDF Print E-mail
New Delhi: Ambassador Maric at the conference on strengthening economic ties between India and Europe
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altAmbassador of Serbia in India Vladimir Maric participated in the conference "Strengthening India-Europe Economic Relations: Opportunities and Way Forward", organized on 5 April by the Chamber of Commerce "PHD – National Apex Chamber".

Ambassador Maric took part in a panel discussion along with the Ambassadors of Poland, Slovak Republic and Slovenia, speaking about investment opportunities in Serbia, trade exchange increase, tourist cooperation, with emphasis on abolishing visas for Indian nationals and Indian movie companies making films in our country.

Serbia had a stand at the conference distributing leaflets of the Development Agency of Serbia advertising economic opportunities for doing business in Serbia and the Tourism Organization of Serbia (TOS) brochures. During the event, a video prepared by TOS was shown on TV screens in the exhibition hall.
In addition to representatives of the Chamber of Commerce, officials of the Indian Foreign Ministry, Ambassadors and executives of foreign companies in India also attended the event.