Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Tuesday, 12 March 2019. PDF Print E-mail
Brasilia: Serbian tourist attractions presented to Brazilians
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altThe Serbian Embassy hosted an event to present Serbian tourist attractions to the Brazilian media and included a sampling of national dishes to the program.

The presentation having a coverage of 11 media crews was attended by representatives of the Secretariat on International Cooperation and Secretariat of Culture of the Federal District government, and members of the local Serb community. The event included a screening of promotional film features by the Tourism Organizations of Serbia and of Belgrade and materials from the "Serbia Creates" platform. The guests were also distributed promotional leaflets about our country.

Ambassador Veljko Lazic spoke about tourism in Serbia and his wife presented Serbian traditional culinary specialities. Mr. Thiago Ferreira, a Brazilian living in Belgrade in the last seven years and promoter of Serbian tourist offer addressed the guests via video link. He invited his compatriots to visit our country.


Web portal Brasilia in Foco relayed the Ambassador's statement concentrating on tourist potentials in Serbia, the "Serbia Creates" project and unique features of the national cuisine. The article assessed the event as highly successful while noting exceptional hospitality of the hosts. The portal Embassy Brasilia focused on the cuisine with a detailed description of the specialities served.


"Conversando com o Mundo" ran a feature on Serbia in Portuguese and English, including descriptions of its larger cities, natural beauties and cultural heritage. The feature included interviews made with Embassy representatives at the event who discussed Serbia-Brazil relations, investment opportunities in our country, promotion of trade cooperation with Brazil, friendly relations between the two peoples, specificities of Serbian dishes and the characteristics of Serbian cultural and historical heritage.