Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Friday, 12 April 2019. PDF Print E-mail
Oslo: Serbia takes part in the Francophonie Festival
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altThe Embassy of the Republic of Serbia had an active role in two events at the Francophonie Festival in Oslo – organizing a quiz show on poetry, visual arts, writing, poetry recitation, singing and football at the French School in Oslo on 19 March and taking part in an evening of Balkan and Baltic folklore at the African Cultural Centre on 29 March.

Approximately a hundred students aged 10 to 12 took part in the quiz held at the French school. A general knowledge quiz on Serbia was organized as well, as an entertaining form of learning, helping the children get familiar with different countries and continents.

Teams from Belgium, France, Serbia, Hungary, Egypt, Greece, Morocco, Mexico, Switzerland, Austria and Poland took part in the competition. Owing to the assistance offered by the National Tourism Organization of Serbia, the Serbian Embassy presented the Serbian team with T-shirts with the symbols of Serbia and gifts, caps with the coat of arms of the Republic of Serbia and Serbian sweets.

On 29 March, at the evening of Baltic and Balkan folklore organized at the African Cultural Centre, Serbia was represented by the Folk Dance Ensemble "RAS" of the Association of Serbs from Oslo, which performed a set of Serbian dances and songs from Gnjilane, wearing traditional costumes from this part of Serbia.

Presentation of traditional food of the countries which took part in the Festival was held, and the staff of the Serbian Embassy offered Serbian specialties and wine to the visitors.