Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Thursday, 04 April 2019. PDF Print E-mail
Leiden: Lecture on Serbia-EU relations
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altAt the invitation of students of Leiden University, members of the European Union Student Association of Leiden University, Marija Boskovic, First Secretary of the Embassy of Serbia in the Netherlands, gave a lecture on relations between Serbia and the European Union.

She emphasized that Serbia's full membership of the European Union is the country's strategic foreign policy goal and listed the most important dates, from the first meetings and talks to working out the Feasibility Study, submission of the Questionnaire and ultimately the opening of accession negotiations. She underlined that this year marked 10 years of Serbia's membership application and the visa-liberalization decision by the EU which was appreciated mostly by Serbian citizens.

The lecture was followed by a discussion which focused on the perspective of relations between Serbia and the EU but also on our perception of the situation within the EU itself and more broadly at the international scene.

The lecture was attended by approximately thirty students of Leiden University.