Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Saturday, 13 April 2019. PDF Print E-mail
Bern: "Sumadija and Pomoravlje – The Heart of Serbia" promotion at the Embassy
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alt"Sumadija and Pomoravlje – The Heart of Serbia" photographic monographs co-authored by Predrag Cile Mihajlovic and Zoran Petrovic, a photographer from Kragujevac, were presented at the Serbian Embassy in Bern, on 12 April. It comprises 360 pages with over 350 photographs and the text translated to English and a summary translated to German, French, Russian and Esperanto.

Cultural Attaché Natalija Gunjic spoke about the importance this kind of publishing activity had in portraying Serbia, its history and culture.
The authors presented the monograph that was intended to commemorate the 200th anniversary of proclaiming Kragujevac the capital of modern Serbia. It covers the period from the Middle Ages to the modern era, with emphasis on our intangible cultural heritage and the country's most beautiful landscapes of Sumadija and Pomoravlje regions.


KUD "Kikac" singing group performed at the event organized by the Embassy. The audience was also greeted by the authors of the Serbian Writers' Association of Switzerland, who recited their poetry.