Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Friday, 05 April 2019. PDF Print E-mail
Moscow: Round-table at the Embassy on the occasion of 20th anniversary of NATO bombing
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altThe Serbian Embassy and the Defence Attaché's Office to Russia organized on 27 March a round-table on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of NATO bombing of the FRY. The event, hosted by Ambassador Slavenko Terzic and Defence Attaché Colonel Budimir Gajic, was attended by Russian Colonel-General Fyodor Ladygin and Major-General Nikolai Plotnikov as well as by representatives of the Russian Ministry of Defence, Military Academy of the General Staff of the Russian Federation and defence attachés from 18 countries including some from NATO countries (Germany, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Poland and Bulgaria).

Ambassador Terzic said that the tragedy caused by the 1999 NATO aggression could best be summed up by the title of the book written by Jacques Hogard "Europe has died in Pristina".

"NATO aggression against the FRY has set several dangerous precedents – from the most flagrant violation of the fundamental principles of international law to a very dangerous scenario of deluding and misleading the international public", Ambassador Terzic said.

Colonel Gajic reflected that even twenty years on, the memories were still alive as well as the consequences of unprovoked conflict. He presented information on the victims and material damage sustained during the 78-day bombing campaign. He qualified the war as experimental and hybrid, saying that even after 20 years the problem of Kosovo and Metohija had not been resolved.

Colonel-General Ladygin, who headed Russian GRU (Intelligence Service) of the General Staff from 1992-1997, said that as early as the 1990s, NATO's goal was to break up the SFRY to get at Serbia.

Ambassador Terzic granted an interview on the bombing of Yugoslavia to Radio "Govorit Moskva" which went on air on 29 March. In an hour show called "Smart Guys" Ambassador also took some questions from listeners.