Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Friday, 08 March 2019. PDF Print E-mail
Skopje: Statehood Day and SAF Day marked with Zona Zamfirova musical
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altThe Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in the Republic of North Macedonia held an official reception on the occasion of the Statehood Day and the SAF Day. To honour the occasion, the Terazije Theatre in Belgrade performed the Zona Zamfirova musical at the Macedonian National Theatre in Skopje.

This cultural event came in the spotlight of the North Macedonian media. The Vecer Pres reported on the remarks made by Serbian Ambassador Dusanka Divjak-Tomic, who spoke, among other things, about how Serbian statehood developed over the centuries and addressed in particular the bonds between Serbia and North Macedonia and the aspiration to ever improve the bilateral relations.

Spona, the News and Cultural Centre portal of the Serbs in North Macedonia wrote about the rendition of the musical in Skopje.