Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Tuesday, 05 March 2019. PDF Print E-mail
Ankara: Ambassador Markovic gives interview for Anadolu Agency
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altTurkish news agency "Anadolu" published an interview with Ambassador Zoran Markovic which includes his answers to questions about bilateral relations, the relations between the two peoples, about the possibilities for development of economic and other forms of cooperation. He also answered questions about the respective interests of Serbia and Turkey.

He devoted particular attention to cooperation in the area of tourism and to the potentials offered by higher education in Serbia. Speaking about the dialogue on Kosovo, Ambassador Markovic underlined how important it was that the negotiations with the aim of finding a compromise solution be resumed and that it could not happen as long as Prishtina continued to make unilateral moves. He stressed the readiness of Serbia to reach a just agreement which would bring lasting peace to the territory, without outside interference. He particularly underlined the importance of and the need for Turkey's understanding in the process, in accordance with the friendly relations between the two countries.